Do you ever wonder if life is conspiring against you? Why does it sometimes seem like no matter what your intentions are you cant help having that groundhog day like feel of trawling your way through shite.
The intention was to find enough motivation to do a thorough type up of what was an swingy rest of the month (from a small sample of cash hands). I was going to get down in words the difficulties Iv'e found with making the transition to PLO cash and about mindset issues but sadly that will have to wait for another day.
Results for the entire month sit at $381 profit from PLO cash. Now this figure is only a memory due to epic comp/software/human error spazzing. Its really weird how unimportant HH's are in MTT's. You play them then when they are over that's it, you cant really do much with the raw data other than the odd interesting hand or overview analysis. However it turns out that the OCD part of my brain really hates losing cash game HH's and if Im honest Id probably donate January's paltry winnings in return for the raw data (sort out HH requests PKR).
At the start of the year I wanted a fresh start. Out with the cluttered old computer shizzle and a complete factory settings format of the computer. HH's were then imported back into HM2 and I'm ready for a year of cash domination (that was the pre thought anyways). So I get to the end of Jan and all is well and good and although Iv'e lacked volume I managed 5/6k hands and some swings under EV which I thought would have been good to comment on.
To cut a long story short I wasn't happy my firewall was working correctly and although it says its doings its shizzle its not asked me for permission for anything so I figure I will do another factory reset. I had added precious little and I'm too anal to let it slide so I took the safe option, eze game.
So everything is back to normal, HH's are imported again to HM2 and I'm feeling ok if a little put out by having averaged a factory reset once a month thus far. Then after a week HM2 decided to really fk me over. I was 6 tabling PLO100 and PLO50 with a table of PLO200 (a week into feb) and within an hour I was crushing. $650 up and feeling great so I decided to load HM2 up. The software goes straight to the registration page, wtf. So I carry on 6 tabling and putting in my HM2 license even though I know I shouldn't need to again. Then it says my license isn't valid, wtf......Im tilting and clicking buttons and trying to do way too much. I knew it was time to close my tables and sort out HM2 or leave HM2 and go back to it later. Is this what I did? No. How can I close my tables when Iv'e direct position on 5 fish over 6 super soft tables? So I closed HM2 and left it to sort later on? erm, no I didn't do that either. To cut a long story short lets just say I made 3/5 -EV decisions and within the space of 5 mins I threw $400 away (I think under tilt on wiki it has a video of this session :P). So I shut down the PKR client in order to fix HM2.
Although HM2 wouldnt let me put in my license info I was still able to start it up as free trial sofware (20 odd days left) so I did that while I tried to get to the bottom of things. Closed HM2 and tried again. Still my license wasn't being accepted and wtf, it says my trials run out. WTF happened to my 20 days??? So I get onto HEM support but I cant wait, I don't have patience, its not one of my virtues. So I figure I will uninstall and install the software and see if that helps. FML now I cant even get it installed, so many files are missing and wont install. Still no word back from HEM so I figure there is fk all on the comp and it would be quicker for me to do another factory setting format. I save the archived HH's and away we go.
So here I am again. Iv'e now done almost as many factory setting formats as Iv'e done fkn poker sessions and I'm not a happy chappie. Everything's up and working again, my firewall is working, my HM2 is registered and everything is mint. Only everything isnt fkn mint at all cos when I upload my HH's there is a chunk of them missing. Almost all of January's hands are not there, I have no idea why this is so all I have to go on is my bottom line figure of $381 :(
Review from Memory...
I had some weird sessions in January and 4 (of a pants total of 6/7 in the second half) of them included terrible 3/6 buy in losses inside the first 30 mins. Now I was pretty proud of my discipline to then drive through and turn 3 of these sessions around to break even/small profit. All in all due to off felt and motivational issues January was pretty much a wash out.
Hopefully over the next month or so I will delve deeper into my transition into the cash game arena and about my motivational and mental leaks. However until I manage to get some samples in I feel like something of a con artist. To date Iv'e only posted 3 sessions (2k hands) in Feb and although all winning sessions I pissed a third of my profit away due to the HM2 spazzage.